We have an Oracle DBMS (11g) and the following configuration:
- A DB user "MYUSER"
- Two schemas "MYUSER" and "SCHEMA_B"
- User "MYUSER" can access "SCHEMA_B" and has READ permissions on its tables
- A public DB link "DB_LINK" located in "SCHEMA_B"
- The DB_LINK is working when using the DB user "SCHEMA_B" directly
Question: When logged on as "MYUSER", what is the correct syntax to access tables using the DB link of "SCHEMA_B"? Is it possible to do so at all?
I already tried several constellations, which all did not work:
select * from dual@"DB_LINK"
select * from dual@"SCHEMA_B"."DB_LINK"
select * from dual@SCHEMA_B."DB_LINK"
select * from dual@SCHEMA_B.DB_LINK
select * from SCHEMA_B.dual@DB_LINK
select * from "SCHEMA_B".dual@DB_LINK
The error message I receive is: ORA-02019. 00000 - "connection description for remote database not found"
Thanks for any suggestion!