Initial Question
Given the following dataset paired with a dates table:
MembershipId | ValidFromDate | ValidToDate
0001 | 1997-01-01 | 2006-05-09
0002 | 1997-01-01 | 2017-05-12
0003 | 2005-06-02 | 2009-02-07
How many Memberships
were open on any given day or timeseries of days?
Initial Answer
Following this question being asked here, this answer provided the necessary functionality:
select d.[Date]
,count(m.MembershipID) as MembershipCount
from DIM.[Date] as d
left join Memberships as m
on(d.[Date] between m.ValidFromDateKey and m.ValidToDateKey)
where d.CalendarYear = 2016
group by d.[Date]
order by d.[Date];
though a commenter remarked that There are other approaches when the non-equijoin takes too long.
As such, what would the equijoin only logic look like to replicate the output of the query above?
Progress So Far
From the answers provided so far I have come up with the below, which outperforms on the hardware I am working with across 3.2 million Membership
declare @s date = '20160101';
declare @e date = getdate();
with s as
select d.[Date] as d
,count(s.MembershipID) as s
from dbo.Dates as d
join dbo.Memberships as s
on d.[Date] = s.ValidFromDateKey
group by d.[Date]
,e as
select d.[Date] as d
,count(e.MembershipID) as e
from dbo.Dates as d
join dbo.Memberships as e
on d.[Date] = e.ValidToDateKey
group by d.[Date]
),c as
select isnull(s.d,e.d) as d
,sum(isnull(s.s,0) - isnull(e.e,0)) over (order by isnull(s.d,e.d)) as c
from s
full join e
on s.d = e.d
select d.[Date]
from dbo.Dates as d
left join c
on d.[Date] = c.d
where d.[Date] between @s and @e
order by d.[Date]
Following on from that, to split this aggregate into constituent groups per day I have the following, which is also performing well:
declare @s date = '20160101';
declare @e date = getdate();
with s as
select d.[Date] as d
,s.MembershipGrouping as g
,count(s.MembershipID) as s
from dbo.Dates as d
join dbo.Memberships as s
on d.[Date] = s.ValidFromDateKey
group by d.[Date]
,e as
select d.[Date] as d
,e..MembershipGrouping as g
,count(e.MembershipID) as e
from dbo.Dates as d
join dbo.Memberships as e
on d.[Date] = e.ValidToDateKey
group by d.[Date]
),c as
select isnull(s.d,e.d) as d
,isnull(s.g,e.g) as g
,sum(isnull(s.s,0) - isnull(e.e,0)) over (partition by isnull(s.g,e.g) order by isnull(s.d,e.d)) as c
from s
full join e
on s.d = e.d
and s.g = e.g
select d.[Date]
from dbo.Dates as d
left join c
on d.[Date] = c.d
where d.[Date] between @s and @e
order by d.[Date]
Can anyone improve on the above?
is needed to avoid this problem. Check my answer. – Frumentaceous