I have two yaml file, customer.yaml and employee.yaml. How do I generate java code from these two yaml file in single project. I'm using gradle, I know the task specification for single yaml but how do I specify multiple yaml. Should I specify mutiple inputSpec under single openApiGenerator ? if yes then what is the exact syntax to do so. Below is my openApiGenerator task in build.gradle file.
openApiGenerate {
generatorName = "spring"
apiPackage = "com.xxx.generated.controller"
modelPackage = "com.xxx.generated.model"
inputSpec = "$rootDir//schema/employee.yaml".toString()
outputDir = "$rootDir/generated".toString()
configOptions = [
dateLibrary: "java8"
systemProperties = [
invoker : "false",
generateSupportingFiles: "true"
additionalProperties = [
interfaceOnly : "true",
I heard of openApiGenerators task which Lists generators available via Open API Generators but couldn't find a way to use it.