There is a C# nuget package called 'ReadLine' by 'tornerdo'. The statement ReadLine.Read(" prompt > ");
prompts the user within options provided in CustomAutoCompletionHandler.PossibleAutoCompleteValues
Additionally, you can change the CustomAutoCompletionHandler.PossibleAutoCompleteValues
for each prompt. This ensures that the user get to choose an option from available\ supported list of options. Less error prone.
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine(" Note! When it prompts, press <tab> to get the choices. Additionally, you can use type ahead search.");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
// Register auto completion handler..
ReadLine.AutoCompletionHandler = new CustomAutoCompletionHandler();
CustomAutoCompletionHandler.PossibleAutoCompleteValues = new List<string> { "dev", "qa", "stg", "prd" };
var env = CoverReadLine(ReadLine.Read(" Environment > "));
Console.WriteLine($"Environment: {env}");
private static string CoverReadLine(string lineRead) => CustomAutoCompletionHandler.PossibleAutoCompleteValues.Any(x => x == lineRead) ? lineRead : throw new Exception($"InvalidChoice. Reason: No such option, '{lineRead}'");
public class CustomAutoCompletionHandler : IAutoCompleteHandler
public static List<string> PossibleAutoCompleteValues = new List<string> { };
// characters to start completion from
public char[] Separators { get; set; } = new char[] { ' ', '.', '/' };
// text - The current text entered in the console
// index - The index of the terminal cursor within {text}
public string[] GetSuggestions(string userText, int index)
var possibleValues = PossibleAutoCompleteValues.Where(x => x.StartsWith(userText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();
if (!possibleValues.Any()) possibleValues.Add("InvalidChoice");
return possibleValues.ToArray();