I have a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with 11589 objects of class "polygons". 10699 of those objects consists of exactly 1 polygon, however the rest of those objects consists of multiple polygons (2 to 22).
If an object of consists of multiple polygons, three scenarios are possible:
- Sometimes, those additional polygons describe a "hole" in the geographic ara describe by the first polygon in the object of class "polygons".
- Sometimes, those additional polygons describe additional geographic areas, i.e. the shape of the region is quite complex and described by putting together multiple parts.
- Sometimes, it might be a mix of both, 1) and 2).
Stackoverflow helped me to plot such an spatial object properly (Plot spatial area defined by multiple polygons).
However, I am still not able to answer how to determine whether a point (defined by longitude/latitude) is in a polygon.
Below is my code. I tried to apply the function point.in.polygon
in the sp
package, but found no way how it could handle such an object which consists of multiple polygons/holes.
# Load packages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get data
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Download shape information from the internet
URL <- "http://www.geodatenzentrum.de/auftrag1/archiv/vektor/vg250_ebenen/2012/vg250_2012-01-01.utm32s.shape.ebenen.zip"
td <- tempdir()
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
download.file(URL, temp)
# Get shape file
shp <- file.path(tempdir(),"vg250_0101.utm32s.shape.ebenen/vg250_ebenen/vg250_gem.shp")
# Read in shape file
map <- readShapeSpatial(shp, proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:25832"))
# Transform the geocoding from UTM to Longitude/Latitude
map <- spTransform(map, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
# Pick an geographic area which consists of multiple polygons
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output a frequency table of areas with N polygons
nPolys <- sapply(map@polygons, function(x)length(x@Polygons))
# Get geographic area with the most polygons
polygon.with.max.polygons <- which(nPolys==max(nPolys))
# Get shape for the geographic area with the most polygons
Poly.coords <- map[which(nPolys==max(nPolys)),]
# Plot
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot region without Google maps (ggplot2)
plot(Poly.coords, col="lightgreen")
# Find if a point is in a polygon
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define points
points_of_interest <- data.frame(long=c(10.5,10.51,10.15,10.4),
lat =c(51.85,51.72,51.81,51.7),
id =c("A","B","C","D"), stringsAsFactors=F)
# Plot points
points(points_of_interest$long, points_of_interest$lat, pch=19)
can deal with multiple polygons, do you know how to supply the necessary arguments forpoint.in.polygon(point.x, point.y, pol.x, pol.y, mode.checked=FALSE)
in such a case. – Faddist