I use actually JQ1.5
under a Windows 10
environment to transform several json files for an import to a MS SQL
database. Part of the data are formatted in UNIX timestamp
and I need to transform those data to ISO 8601 Format.
Following command i use actually for the transformation of the data:
jq '
{ nid, title, nights, zone: .zones[0].title} +
(.sails[] | { sails_nid: .nid, arrival, departure } ) +
(.sails[].cabins[] |
{ cabintype: .cabinType.kindName,
cabinid: .cabinType.nid,
' C:\Import\dreamlines_details.json > C:\Import\import_sails.json
Arrival and departure are the data that are in Unix time formated.
"nid": 434508,
"title": "Die schönsten Orte unserer Welt",
"nights": 121,
"zone": "Weltreise",
"sails_nid": 434516,
"arrival": 1525644000,
"departure": 1515193200,
"cabintype": "Innenkabine",
"cabinid": 379723,
"catalogPrice": 17879,
"discountPrice": 9519,
"discountPercentage": 0.4675876726886291,
"currency": "EUR"
"nid": 434508,
"title": "Die schönsten Orte unserer Welt",
"nights": 121,
"zone": "Weltreise",
"sails_nid": 434516,
"arrival": 1525644000,
"departure": 1515193200,
"cabintype": "Innenkabine",
"cabinid": 379730,
"catalogPrice": 18599,
"discountPrice": 10239,
"discountPercentage": 0.44948653153395346,
"currency": "EUR"
I experimented with built in operator "todate" and "strftime". But get only parsing Errors.