Is it possible to update a reactive data source by editing the DT::DataTable? Below code is based on this code with change that x is made reactive. The problem starts when trying to change x in observeEvent.
The purpose of having x reactive is that I intend to source it from an external database, then have edits to the DT::DataTable write back to the database so that it stays in sync with what the user sees (I'm fine with doing that - it is not part of the question).
ui = fluidPage(
server = function(input, output, session) {
x = reactive({
df <- iris
df$Date = Sys.time() + seq_len(nrow(df))
output$x1 = renderDT(x(), selection = 'none', editable = TRUE)
proxy = dataTableProxy('x1')
observeEvent(input$x1_cell_edit, {
info = input$x1_cell_edit
i = info$row
j = info$col
v = info$value
# problem starts here
x()[i, j] <<- isolate(DT::coerceValue(v, x()[i, j]))
replaceData(proxy, x(), resetPaging = FALSE) # important