Hmm, close enough. You miss to handle close on some file descriptor after fork.
Here is some reference:
- About pipe,
- About file descriptor,
Here's my code:
#include <fcntl.h> //
#include <stdio.h> //
#include <stdlib.h> //
#include <string.h> //
#include <sys/types.h> //
#include <sys/wait.h> //
#include <sys/stat.h> //
#include <termios.h> //
#include <unistd.h> //
#define INPUT_END 1 // INPUT_END means where the pipe takes input
#define OUTPUT_END 0 // OUTPUT_END means where the pipe produces output
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) //
{ //
pid_t pid1; // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output] (of the parent process)
pid_t pid2; //
int fd[2]; //
pipe(fd); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input, fd[1] -> pipe_output]
pid1 = fork(); //
if(pid1==0) //
{ // I am going to be the wc process (i.e. taking input from the pipe)
close(fd[INPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[1] -> pipe_output] (of the WC process)
dup2(fd[OUTPUT_END], STDIN_FILENO); // [STDIN -> pipe_output, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[1] -> pipe_output] (of the WC process)
close(fd[OUTPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> pipe_output, STDOUT -> terminal_output] (of the WC process)
execlp("wc", "wc", "-l",(char*) NULL); //
} //
else //
{ //
pid2=fork(); //
if(pid2==0) //
{ // I am going to be the ls process (i.e. producing output to the pipe)
close(fd[OUTPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input] (of the ls process)
dup2(fd[INPUT_END], STDOUT_FILENO); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> pipe_input, fd[0] -> pipe_input] (of the ls process)
close(fd[INPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> pipe_input] (of the ls process)
execlp("ls","ls","-l",(char*) NULL); //
} //
close(fd[OUTPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input] (of the parent process)
close(fd[INPUT_END]); // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output] (of the parent process)
waitpid(-1, NULL, 0); // As the parent process - we wait for a process to die (-1) means I don't care which one - it could be either ls or wc
waitpid(-1, NULL, 0); // As the parent process - we wait for the another process to die.
// At this point we can safely assume both process are completed
} //
} //
functions (or otherwise continuing). There are exceptions; they are few and far between. It is very seldom (on SO, and IRL) that you encounter a program using pipes that closes too many descriptors; it is very common to find a program that doesn't close enough descriptors. It's especially common if there are multiple children and/or multiple pipes to confuse things. – Rosiarosicrucian