I want to generate pdf file from html using Python + Flask. To do this, I use xhtml2pdf. Here is my code:
def main():
pdf = StringIO()
pdf = create_pdf(render_template('cvTemplate.html', user=user))
pdf_out = pdf.getvalue()
response = make_response(pdf_out)
return response
def create_pdf(pdf_data):
pdf = StringIO()
pisa.CreatePDF(StringIO(pdf_data.encode('utf-8')), pdf)
return pdf
In this code file is generating on the fly. BUT! xhtml2pdf doesn't support many styles in CSS, because of this big problem to mark page correctly. I found another instrument(wkhtmltopdf). But when I wrote something like:
pdf = StringIO()
data = render_template('cvTemplate1.html', user=user)
WKhtmlToPdf(data.encode('utf-8'), pdf)
return pdf
Was raised error:
AttributeError: 'cStringIO.StringO' object has no attribute 'rfind'
And my question is how to convert html to pdf using wkhtmltopdf (with generating file on the fly) in Flask?
Thanks in advance for your answers.