I have a background image which changes size to the windows size, and I need to position an element on it so that it is always in the same place relative to the background image.
background:url("http://placehold.it/100x100") no-repeat center center fixed;
The background image covers the entire background and changes size with the window but keeps proportions by having some overlay.
EDIT - 2016
My solution to this with pure CSS is to position the element in the middle and then offset it correctly using calc function. And then to resize it accordingly i use the vmin value:
$offset-top: ...;
$offset-left: ...;
.element {
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(calc(-50% + #{$offset-top}), calc(-50% + #{$offset-top}));
width: 50vim;
height: 50vim;