A few years ago a ran in to a pretty similar problem. We needed a service that could process large amounts of data. Sometimes the processing would take 10 seconds, other times it could take an hour.
At first we did it how your question illustrates: Send a request to the service, the service processes the data from the request and returns the response when finished.
Issues At Hand
This was fine when the job only took around a minute or less, but anything above this, the server would shut down the session and the caller would report an error.
Servers have a default of around 2 minutes to produce a response before it gives up on the request. It doesn't quit the processing of the request... but it does quit the HTTP session. It doesn't matter what parameters you set on your HttpClient
, the server is the one that delegates how long is too long.
Reasons For Issues
All this is for good reasons. Server sockets are extremely expensive. You have a finite amount to go around. The server is trying to protect your service by severing requests that are taking longer than a specified time in order to avoid socket starvation issues.
Typically you want your HTTP requests to take only a few milliseconds. If they are taking longer than this, you will eventually run in to socket issues if your service has to fulfil other requests at a high rate.
We decided to go the route of IHostedService
, specifically the BackgroundService
. We use this service in conjunction with a Queue. This way you can set up a queue of jobs and the BackgroundService
will process them one at a time (in some instances we have service processing multiple queue items at once, in others we scaled horizontally producing two or more queues).
Why an ASP.NET Core service running a BackgroundService
? I wanted to handle this without tightly-coupling to any Azure-specific constructs in case we needed to move out of Azure to some other cloud service (back in the day we were contemplating this for other reasons we had at the time.)
This has worked out quite well for us and we haven't seen any issues since.
The work flow goes like this:
- Caller sends a request to the service with some parameters
- Service generates a "job" object and returns an ID immediately via 202 (accepted) response
- Service places this job in to a queue that is being maintained by a
- Caller can query the job status and get information about how much has been done and how much is left to go using this job ID
- Service finishes the job, puts the job in to a "completed" state and goes back to waiting on the queue to produce more jobs
Keep in mind your service has the capability to scale horizontally where there would be more than one instance running. In this case I am using Redis Cache to store the state of the jobs so that all instances share the same state.
I also added in a "Memory Cache" option to test things locally if you don't have a Redis Cache available. You could run the "Memory Cache" service on a server, just know that if it scales then your data will be inconsistent.
Since I'm married with kids, I really don't do much on Friday nights after everyone goes to bed, so I spent some time putting together an example that you can try out. The full solution is also available for you to try out.
This class implementation serves two specific purposes: One is to read from the queue (the BackgroundService
implementation), the other is to write to the queue (the IQueuedBackgroundService
public interface IQueuedBackgroundService
Task<JobCreatedModel> PostWorkItemAsync(JobParametersModel jobParameters);
public sealed class QueuedBackgroundService : BackgroundService, IQueuedBackgroundService
private sealed class JobQueueItem
public string JobId { get; set; }
public JobParametersModel JobParameters { get; set; }
private readonly IComputationWorkService _workService;
private readonly IComputationJobStatusService _jobStatusService;
// Shared between BackgroundService and IQueuedBackgroundService.
// The queueing mechanism could be moved out to a singleton service. I am doing
// it this way for simplicity's sake.
private static readonly ConcurrentQueue<JobQueueItem> _queue =
new ConcurrentQueue<JobQueueItem>();
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim _signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
public QueuedBackgroundService(IComputationWorkService workService,
IComputationJobStatusService jobStatusService)
_workService = workService;
_jobStatusService = jobStatusService;
/// <summary>
/// Transient method via IQueuedBackgroundService
/// </summary>
public async Task<JobCreatedModel> PostWorkItemAsync(JobParametersModel jobParameters)
var jobId = await _jobStatusService.CreateJobAsync(jobParameters).ConfigureAwait(false);
_queue.Enqueue(new JobQueueItem { JobId = jobId, JobParameters = jobParameters });
_signal.Release(); // signal for background service to start working on the job
return new JobCreatedModel { JobId = jobId, QueuePosition = _queue.Count };
/// <summary>
/// Long running task via BackgroundService
/// </summary>
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
JobQueueItem jobQueueItem = null;
// wait for the queue to signal there is something that needs to be done
await _signal.WaitAsync(stoppingToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// dequeue the item
jobQueueItem = _queue.TryDequeue(out var workItem) ? workItem : null;
if(jobQueueItem != null)
// put the job in to a "processing" state
await _jobStatusService.UpdateJobStatusAsync(
jobQueueItem.JobId, JobStatus.Processing).ConfigureAwait(false);
// the heavy lifting is done here...
var result = await _workService.DoWorkAsync(
jobQueueItem.JobId, jobQueueItem.JobParameters,
// store the result of the work and set the status to "finished"
await _jobStatusService.StoreJobResultAsync(
jobQueueItem.JobId, result, JobStatus.Success).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch(Exception ex)
// something went wrong. Put the job in to an errored state and continue on
await _jobStatusService.StoreJobResultAsync(jobQueueItem.JobId, new JobResultModel
Exception = new JobExceptionModel(ex)
}, JobStatus.Errored).ConfigureAwait(false);
// TODO: log this
It is injected as so:
services.AddTransient<IQueuedBackgroundService, QueuedBackgroundService>();
The controller used to read/write jobs looks like this:
[ApiController, Route("api/[controller]")]
public class ComputationController : ControllerBase
private readonly IQueuedBackgroundService _queuedBackgroundService;
private readonly IComputationJobStatusService _computationJobStatusService;
public ComputationController(
IQueuedBackgroundService queuedBackgroundService,
IComputationJobStatusService computationJobStatusService)
_queuedBackgroundService = queuedBackgroundService;
_computationJobStatusService = computationJobStatusService;
[HttpPost, Route("beginComputation")]
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status202Accepted, Type = typeof(JobCreatedModel))]
public async Task<IActionResult> BeginComputation([FromBody] JobParametersModel obj)
return Accepted(
await _queuedBackgroundService.PostWorkItemAsync(obj).ConfigureAwait(false));
[HttpGet, Route("computationStatus/{jobId}")]
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK, Type = typeof(JobModel))]
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, Type = typeof(string))]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetComputationResultAsync(string jobId)
var job = await _computationJobStatusService.GetJobAsync(jobId).ConfigureAwait(false);
if(job != null)
return Ok(job);
return NotFound($"Job with ID `{jobId}` not found");
[HttpGet, Route("getAllJobs")]
Type = typeof(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, JobModel>))]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAllJobsAsync()
return Ok(await _computationJobStatusService.GetAllJobsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
[HttpDelete, Route("clearAllJobs")]
public async Task<IActionResult> ClearAllJobsAsync([FromQuery] string permission)
if(permission == "this is flakey security so this can be run as a public demo")
await _computationJobStatusService.ClearAllJobsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return Ok();
return Unauthorized();
Working Example
For as long as this question is active, I will maintain a working example you can try out. For this specific example, you can specify how many iterations you would like to run. To simulate long-running work, each iteration is 1 second. So, if you set the iteration value to 60, it will run that job for 60 seconds.
While it's running, run the computationStatus/{jobId}
or getAllJobs
endpoint. You can watch all the jobs update in real time.
This example is far from a fully-functioning-covering-all-edge-cases-full-blown-ready-for-production example, but it's a good start.
After a few years of working in the back-end, I have seen a lot of issues arise by not knowing all the "rules" of the back-end. Hopefully this answer will shed some light on issues I had in the past and hopefully this saves you from having to deal with said problems.
, then if your app scales to 2 instances, you'd have 2 services running simultaniously. – Naraka