This weekend I spend a few minutes thrashing together an algorithm that would take in a heading (in degrees) and return a String for the cardinal direction (I'm using it in an android compass application I'm using). What I ended up with was this:
private String headingToString(Float heading)
String strHeading = "?";
Hashtable<String, Float> cardinal = new Hashtable<String, Float>();
cardinal.put("North_1", new Float(0));
cardinal.put("Northeast", new Float(45));
cardinal.put("East", new Float(90));
cardinal.put("Southeast", new Float(135));
cardinal.put("South", new Float(180));
cardinal.put("Southwest", new Float(225));
cardinal.put("West", new Float(270));
cardinal.put("Northwest", new Float(315));
cardinal.put("North_2", new Float(360));
for (String key: cardinal.keySet())
Float value = cardinal.get(key);
if (Math.abs(heading - value) < 30)
strHeading = key;
if (key.contains("North_"))
strHeading = "North";
return strHeading;
My question is, is this the best way of doing this? It must have been done many times before although I haven't done a search for examples on the web yet. Have any other people tried this and found a neater solution?
Edit for The Reverand's Thilo's, shinjin's and Chrstoffer's responses:
The Solution
public static String headingToString2(double x)
String directions[] = {"N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW", "N"};
return directions[ (int)Math.round(( ((double)x % 360) / 45)) ];
String[] directions = { "N", "NE", "E" ... }
– Klinger