When I use multiple capital letters in the header cells (e.g. GPRS) they automatically get separated by spaces (G P R S). This gets particularly annoying when I have two words (GPRS Signal is displayed as G P R S Signal) or two acronyms (GPRS EDGE is displayed as G P R S E D G E). Is this meant to be like this? If so, how can i disable it?
I just found a way around this. In the columnDefs property of your gridOptions add a displayName for the column that contains multiple capital letters. Something like this:
$scope.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
{ name: 'GPRS', displayName: 'GPRS', field: 'gprsField' }
attribute in this case? can it be removed? does it add a name attribute to the HTML element? I have inspected the generated element and there's no added use for it –
Tesstessa To answer the question: how can I disable it?
I modified the source code. My application is using a local copy of the file in lib/ui-grid.info-x.x.x/release/ui-grid.js
Search for the function called "readableColumnName" and replace or comment out the following:
return columnName;
//return columnName.replace(/_+/g, ' ')
// Replace a completely all-capsed word with a first-letter-capitalized version
//.replace(/^[A-Z]+$/, function (match) {
// return angular.lowercase(angular.uppercase(match.charAt(0)) + match.slice(1));
// Capitalize the first letter of words
//.replace(/([\w\u00C0-\u017F]+)/g, function (match) {
// return angular.uppercase(match.charAt(0)) + match.slice(1);
// Put a space in between words that have partial capilizations (i.e. 'firstName' becomes 'First Name')
// .replace(/([A-Z]|[A-Z]\w+)([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2");
// .replace(/(\w+?|\w)([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2");
//.replace(/(\w+?(?=[A-Z]))/g, '$1 ');
In other words, just return the columnName, don't do any replacing.
Don't forget to reload your webpage/javascript files before you test that it's working correctly.
You can also use display name property in UI-Grid : displayName: 'CAPITAL WORDS'
displayName : Column name that will be shown in the header. If displayName is not provided then one is generated using the name.
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