I have 4 select boxes, when I change the first one do some stuff like empty, append and SET the new value for the next one.
Because I use select2 just can set it using $.select2('val','value');
Just that command trigger the change event on the other select and do cascade of changes.
Notice that .empty() and append() wont trigger (and i like that), even .val() should not trigger it, but when ure using select2 you can't access the new val using that.
Code here:
function anidado(selectorOrigen,selectorDestino) {
id = selectorOrigen;
destino = "#"+selectorDestino;
valor = $('#'+id).find(":selected").val();
method: "GET",
url: "blanco2.php",
data: { select: id, valor: valor }
.done(function( msg ) {
obj = $.parseJSON( msg );
if (obj.length>0) {
$(destino).empty().append('<option value="x">Select an ---</option>').select2("val", "x");
$.each(obj,function(index) {
valor = obj[index].codigo;
texto = obj[index].descripcion;
$(destino).append('<option value=' + valor + '>' + texto + '</option>');
} else {
$(destino).empty().append('<option value=""></option>').select2("val", "");
return false;
$( "select" ).change(function() {
selectorOrigen = this.id;
if (selectorOrigen === 'pais') {
selectorDestino = 'ua';
} else if (selectorOrigen === 'ua') {
selectorDestino = 'unidad';
} else if (selectorOrigen === 'unidad') {
selectorDestino = 'rol';
} else if (selectorOrigen === 'rol') {
selectorDestino = 'categoria';
} else { return false; }
This was a pretty one but it did not work for me Clear select2 without triggering change event
He suggest use something like
$docInput.select2('data', null, false);
I just need set the new selected option without trigger the change event. Any alternative to .select2("val", "x") while using select2 plugin?