I want to overwrite a spark column with a new column which is a binary flag.
I tried directly overwriting the column id2 but why is it not working like a inplace operation in Pandas?
How to do it without using withcolumn() to create new column and drop() to drop the old column?
I know that spark dataframe is immutable, is that the reason or there is a different way to overwrite without using withcolumn() & drop()?
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, 1, float('nan')), (1, 2, float(5)), (1, 3, float('nan')), (1, 4, float('nan')), (1, 5, float(10)), (1, 6, float('nan')), (1, 6, float('nan'))],
('session', "timestamp1", "id2"))
df2.select(df2.id2 > 0).show()
|(id2 > 0)|
| true|
| true|
| true|
| true|
| true|
| true|
| true|
# Attempting to overwriting df2.id2
df2.id2=df2.select(df2.id2 > 0).withColumnRenamed('(id2 > 0)','id2')
#Overwriting unsucessful
|session|timestamp1| id2|
| 1| 1| NaN|
| 1| 2| 5.0|
| 1| 3| NaN|
| 1| 4| NaN|
| 1| 5|10.0|
| 1| 6| NaN|
| 1| 6| NaN|