I have a music player app - on my screen, I have cards displaying information about tracks. When I tap on one card, the player should play its track.
fun TrackCard(track: Track) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(5.dp).fillMaxWidth(),
contentColor = Color.Black
) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(10.dp)) {
ArtistName(text = track.artist.name)
Headline(text = track.title)
AlbumName(text = track.album.title)
I tried it with adding a Clickable
on its Modifier
like this: clickable(onClick = {})
In order to let the track play, I need another param for my TrackCard, the player itself.
As I want to keep UI code separate, I was wondering if I could add an Event Listener and access play the track from there? (Also I would like to catch the different type of events like a long pressed touch etc. for different event handling as well)
The track cards get initialized like this:
private fun ResultList(model: PlayerModel) {
with(model) {
LazyColumn(state = rememberLazyListState()) {
items(tracks) {
How would I accomplish this?