I know this is an old post, but the accepted doesn't cover cases where cout is piped to a program or file and this is the top of my google searches. The following will handle both piped and non-piped stdout with slightly different behavior.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define _isatty isatty
#define _fileno fileno
const std::function<void(const size_t&)> progress_printer(_isatty(_fileno(stdout)) == 1 ?
[](const size_t& i) {
std::cout << "\rNumber " << i << std::flush;
} :
[](const size_t& i) {
static std::ios::off_type last(-1);
if(last != -1)
std::cout.seekp(last, std::ios::beg);
last = std::cout.tellp();
std::cout << "Number " << i << std::endl;
This is untested on windows, but should work. What it does is detect if the file descriptor or is a tty. If it is then it just writes '\r' if the pos hasn't changed since last time it printed or a newline. If it isn't a newline, it seeks to the last place it was after it printed.
It behaves differently for files than for tty. For a file, if something outputs to the stream between prints then it can overwrite some or all of what was written even after newlines. For ttys it just overwrites the chars at the beginning of the current line.
doesn't represent the console. It represents an output stream. That means you can write to it, but you can't do anything about what's already been written.cout
is for printing output to whichever output device the platform uses (for example, but not necessarily, a console window). If you need to manipulate the console specifically, you have to use an OS-specific library which knows about the console window. – Mediant