Is this something common to all programming languages? Doing multiple print followed by a println seems faster but moving everything to a string and just printing that seems fastest. Why?
EDIT: For example, Java can find all the prime numbers up to 1 million in less than a second - but printing then all out each on their own println can take minutes! Up to a 10 billion can hours to print!
package sieveoferatosthenes;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int upTo = 10000000;
boolean primes[] = new boolean[upTo];
for( int b = 0; b < upTo; b++ ){
primes[b] = true;
primes[0] = false;
primes[1] = false;
int testing = 1;
while( testing <= Math.sqrt(upTo)){
testing ++;
int testingWith = testing;
if( primes[testing] ){
while( testingWith < upTo ){
testingWith = testingWith + testing;
if ( testingWith >= upTo){
primes[testingWith] = false;
for( int b = 2; b < upTo; b++){
if( primes[b] ){
System.out.println( b );
vs nothing, orprintln
? They are very different questions. – Mcbrayer