PHP is typeless dynamically typed, meaning it has to parse values to determine their types (recent versions of PHP have type declarations).
In your case, you may simply perform a numerical operation to force PHP to consider the values as numbers (and it understands the scientific notation x.yE-z
Try for instance
foreach (array("1.8281e-009","2.3562e-007","0.911348") as $a)
echo "String $a: Number: " . ($a + 1) . "\n";
just adding 1 (you could also subtract zero) will make the strings become numbers, with the right amount of decimals.
String 1.8281e-009: Number: 1.0000000018281
String 2.3562e-007: Number: 1.00000023562
String 0.911348: Number: 1.911348
You might also cast the result using (float)
$real = (float) "3.141592e-007";
. It's dynamically typed, with a lot of implicit conversions. Other than that, this is a good answer. – Tartaglia