I have the following backbone structure:
- collection[order_items]
- collection[menu_items]
- price
- quantity
and I want to listen for any changes in the quantity attribute, I got it working by
var CheckoutView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: '#template-checkout',
initialize: function (options) {
this.order_collection = options.collection;
_(this.order_collection.models).each(function (element, index, list) {
this.listenTo(element.get("menu_items"), "change:quantity", this.onOrderItemsChanged);
}, this);
onOrderItemsChanged: function (model, val, options) {
But does marionette or backbone have a better way of doing it, instead of looping throught the parent collection and adding the listener to each child collection, maybe something like
this.listenTo(this.order_collection, "change:menu_items:quantity", this.on OrderItemsChanged)
(which didnt work for me)
is a raw Array, and Array doesn't have anon
method. Am I missing something? – Landwehr