I have two applications, a C++ server, and a C# WPF UI. The C++ code takes requests (from anywhere/anyone) via a ZeroMQ messaging [PUB/SUB] service. I use my C# code for back testing and to create "back tests" and execute them. These back tests can be made up of many "unit tests" and each of these sending/receiving thousands of messages from the C++ server.
Currently individual back tests work well can send off N unit tests each with thousands of requests and captures. My problem is architecture; when I dispatch another back test (following the first) I get a problem with event subscription being done a second time due to the polling thread not being cancelled and disposed. This results in erroneous output. This may seem like a trivial problem (perhaps it is for some of you), but the cancellation of this polling Task under my current configuration is proving troublesome. Some code...
My message broker class is simple and looks like
public class MessageBroker : IMessageBroker<Taurus.FeedMux>, IDisposable
private Task pollingTask;
private NetMQContext context;
private PublisherSocket pubSocket;
private CancellationTokenSource source;
private CancellationToken token;
private ManualResetEvent pollerCancelled;
public MessageBroker()
this.source = new CancellationTokenSource();
this.token = source.Token;
context = NetMQContext.Create();
pubSocket = context.CreatePublisherSocket();
public void Dispatch(Taurus.FeedMux message)
private void StartPolling()
pollerCancelled = new ManualResetEvent(false);
pollingTask = Task.Run(() =>
using (var context = NetMQContext.Create())
using (var subSocket = context.CreateSubscriberSocket())
byte[] buffer = null;
subSocket.Options.ReceiveHighWatermark = 1000;
while (true)
buffer = subSocket.Receive();
if (this.token.IsCancellationRequested)
catch (OperationCanceledException)
}, this.token);
private void CancelPolling()
public IProgress<Taurus.FeedMux> MessageRecieved { get; set; }
public string PublisherAddress { get { return "tcp://127.X.X.X:6500"; } }
public string SubscriberAddress { get { return "tcp://127.X.X.X:6501"; } }
private bool disposed = false;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
if (this.pollingTask != null)
if (this.pollingTask.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion ||
this.pollingTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted ||
this.pollingTask.Status == TaskStatus.Canceled)
this.pollingTask = null;
if (this.context != null)
this.context = null;
if (this.pubSocket != null)
this.pubSocket = null;
if (this.source != null)
this.source = null;
disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
The backtesting "engine" use to execute each back test, first constructs a Dictionary
containing each Test
(unit test) and the messages to dispatch to the C++ application for each test.
The DispatchTests
method, here it is
private void DispatchTests(ConcurrentDictionary<Test, List<Taurus.FeedMux>> feedMuxCollection)
broker = new MessageBroker();
broker.MessageRecieved = new Progress<Taurus.FeedMux>(OnMessageRecieved);
testCompleted = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// Loop through the tests.
foreach (var kvp in feedMuxCollection)
Test t = kvp.Key;
t.Bets = new List<Taurus.Bet>();
foreach (Taurus.FeedMux mux in kvp.Value)
broker.Dispatch(new Taurus.FeedMux()
type = Taurus.FeedMux.Type.PING,
ping = new Taurus.Ping() { event_id = t.EventID }
testCompleted.WaitOne(); // Wait until all messages are received for this test.
broker.Dispose(); // Dispose the broker.
message at the end, it to tell the C++ that we are finished. We then force a wait, so that the next [unit] test is not dispatched before all of the returns are received from the C++ code - we do this using a ManualResetEvent
When the C++ receives the PING message, it sends the message straight back. We handle the received messages via OnMessageRecieved
and the PING tells us to set the ManualResetEvent.Set()
so that we can continue the unit testing; "Next Please"...
private async void OnMessageRecieved(Taurus.FeedMux mux)
string errorMsg = String.Empty;
if (mux.type == Taurus.FeedMux.Type.MSG)
// Do stuff.
else if (mux.type == Taurus.FeedMux.Type.PING)
// Do stuff.
// We are finished reciving messages for this "unit test"
My problem is that, .broker.Dispose()
in the finally above is never hit. I appreciate that finally blocks that are executed on background threads are not guaranteed to get executed
The crossed out text above was due to me messing about with the code; I was stopping a parent thread before the child had completed. However, there are still problems...
Now broker.Dispose()
is called correctly, and broker.Dispose()
is called, in this method I attempt to cancell the poller thread and dispose of the Task
correctly to avoid any multiple subscriptions.
To cancel the thread I use the CancelPolling()
private void CancelPolling()
pollerCancelled.WaitOne(); <- Blocks here waiting for cancellation.
but in the StartPolling()
while (true)
buffer = subSocket.Receive();
if (this.token.IsCancellationRequested)
is never called and the thread is never cancelled, thus never properly disposed. The poller thread is being blocked by the subSocket.Receive()
Now, it is not clear to me how to achieve what I want, I need to invoke the broker.Dispose()
on a thread other than that used to poll for messages and some how force the cancellation. Thread abort is not what I want to get into at any cost.
Essentially, I want to properly dispose of the broker
before executing the next back test, how do I correctly handle this, split out the polling and run it in a separate Application Domain?
I have tried, disposing inside the OnMessageRecived
handler, but this is clearly executed on the same thread as the poller and is not the way to do this, without invoking additional threads, it blocks.
What is the best way to achieve what I want and is there a pattern for this sort of case that I can follow?
Thanks for your time.
is never hit. But why? Did you debug and see why? – Pardoes