I am trying to play a video using MPMoviePlayerController for an iOS app in Swift.
My goal is to be able to play system music with something like apple music, then open my app and have the audio mix in, but I want my app to be able to take control of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter
How can I use AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, withOptions: .MixWithOthers)
while still set the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter?
Google Maps mixes in audio while taking setting MPNowPlayingInfoCenter. Below is how I am trying to set the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter:
func setMeta(){
if let player = PlayWorkoutViewController.player{
let coverArt = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: UIImage(named: "AlbumArt")!)
let dict: [String: AnyObject] = [
MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork: coverArt,
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate: player.currentPlaybackRate,
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime: player.currentPlaybackTime,
MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration: player.playableDuration
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.defaultCenter().nowPlayingInfo = dict
The above function works when I am not trying to play outside music with an option (.MixWithOthers
) at the same time, but while I am trying to play outside music with the option (.MixWithOthers
) the info center does not update.
Edit 1: Just to make things super clear, I already having video playing properly I am trying to play video with other background audio while being able to set MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.