You can find how to do that in the documentation:
If you want to use the nodes to build objects and meshes procedurally with it then I recommend you to use and/or fork and and improve this project:
(These guys are also using the API linked above)
If you have blender specific questions, like this, I also recommend you to ask it on this blender dedicated stack exchange site:
As far as I know, there isn't any pre-made node-editor widget or anything similar like that in any UI libraries. However it is quite easy to implement the basic rectangles , input and output ports and the bezier lines to connect them. After the first steps it is only a matter of preference how many hours you put into design and smaller details.
I implemented my own in Python with the builtin tkinter library:
And then later in Pyglet and after that to improve speed I implemented it in pure C with OpenGL wrapped with Cython for Python usage: