I am trying to implement an IdentityServer4 with Asp.Net Core Identity. I want to use IdentityServer4 as centralized authentication/authorization point for APIs using always the same identity. So the idea is to store the Asp.Net Core Identity stuff in an SQL Database which serves as the identity store.
The question now is how to map the centralized identity to application specific data. I want to use same identity user in several applications, but in each application the user has other related entities, roles etc.
I read through the documentation of IdentityServer4 but could not find anything related to a proposed structure.
As I understood, you somehow map the identity id to your local application user. Basic data like firstname etc are stored in the centralized identity store and application specific data is stored in the application specific database. So you would not save firstname etc in the application specific db right? In the every request where you need user specific data will query the identity server to get information/claims? What about registration process?
Does anybody have a clear structure setup which could be used to understand the whole setup? (Separation like Asp.Net Identity Provider, IdentityServer4, Protected Api.)