Using exuberant-ctags 5.8 for gcc 4.4.3 c89
I am just started using exuberant-ctags and I am just wondering what options do you add.
Here is a list and I am just wondering added too many could it be over kill.
$ ctags --list-kinds=c
c classes
d macro definitions
e enumerators (values inside an enumeration)
f function definitions
g enumeration names
l local variables [off]
m class, struct, and union members
n namespaces
p function prototypes [off]
s structure names
t typedefs
u union names
v variable definitions
x external and forward variable declarations [off]
I was going to use the following:
ctags -e --c-kinds=+defgpstux -R
I am just wondering: is that overkill?
c classes No -- I don't have any classes as this is c
d macro definitions YES -- I have many macros
e enumerators (values inside an enumeration) YES
f function definitions YES
g enumeration names YES
l local variables [off] NO
m class, struct, and union members NO
n namespaces NO
p function prototypes [off] YES
s structure names YES -- Is there any difference with m
t typedefs YES
u union names YES
v variable definitions NO
x external and forward variable declarations [off] YES