A while ago, I offered-up a JavaScript design pattern (the Module Pattern - see below) that I got from a John Resig example as part of a solution to someone’s question and I received the following comment:
“…that pattern is a bit over engineered and not that good. Still leaking into global-scope. and your not opening yourself to async loaders. But it is better then just ad-hoc coding !”
If “leaking” into global scope means “your object gets appended to the browsers window (object)”…then everything already gets appended (globally):
This “leaks” into global scope:
…just call: window.jQuery
and it resolves as a function();
This “leaks” into global scope:
function HelloWorld() { alert(‘Howdy’); }
…just call: window.HelloWorld()
and you will get ‘Howdy’.
This “leaks” into global scope:
var myVariable = 10;
…just call: window.myVariable
and you will get 10
If the commenter is correct, then all the above “leak” into global-scope. So, personally, I don’t see a way NOT to “leak” into global-scope as even your form controls exists there (as well).
As such, here are my questions…
- What is meant by “leaking” into global-scope?
- Why is that bad?
- How do you avoid it?
- When wanting to create persistent custom-objects, why is the Module Pattern (below) bad?
- Design patterns let you encapsulate complex logic, is encapsulation suddenly bad simply because we’re writing in JavaScript?
- Or...is this commenter simply wrong?
Here is the Module Pattern I Mentioned Above:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myNamespace = (function($) {
var publicInstances = {};
// ***********************
// myObject
publicInstances.myObject = myObject;
function myObject() {
/// <summary>A pointer to this</summary>
var self = this;
this.someProperty = new String();
this.initialize = function() {
/// your code here
this.someMethod = function() {
/// your code here
return publicInstances;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Use would look like
var myInstance = new myNamespace.myObject();
I’m satisfied with the answers below and want to thank everyone for taking the time to comment.
"Leaking" into global-scope occurs when something used in local-scope is unintentionally made available to the global-scope (e.g. the window object). This is bad because it opens the page to potential naming collisions which could result in variables resolving to unexpected values or types.
Intentionally making a variable global is not considered a "leak". However, properly namespacing the object is required to reduce potential for said naming collisions.
You cannot avoid globally-scoped variables, but you can reduce the above risks by using asynchronous-loaders and defining-modules made available in plug-ins like RequireJS or Curl.
(function () {var geoff='geoffdegeoff'; alert('local: ' + geoff);})(); alert('global:' + window.geoff);
). But I think you mean that in practice, most JavaScript you write will probably want to create at least one globally scoped variable. – Succor