Google's Sketchup is a nice, simple 3D-object modeler. Moreover Google has an enormous warehouse of 3D objects so that you actually don't have to do much modeling yourself if you aren't particularly gifted in this area. Many of the 3D buildings in Google Earth are made with Sketchup. The capability to import Sketchup's SKP files in Mathematica would be very nice, but alas, it doesn't do that yet.
The free version of Sketchup doesn't export to any other formats than the KMZ (Google Earth) and DAE (Collada) formats. Though MMA can read KMZ/KML files it doesn't read those containing 3D objects. DAE files are zipped Collada files and these can be read as XML by MMA's Import. The resulting XML tree is rather complex as is the definition of Collada and getting at the geometry of the object is far from trivial (I managed to coerce the coordinate set of a model from it).
My question is: How to convert SKP files in a clean polygon based structure in Mathematica?
I would prefer an import converter that provides MMA with this import capability, but other routes are welcome too. I'll post the rather indirect method I'm currently using as an answer tomorrow.
This fundamental difference in storing model geometry places severe limitations on the model when it arrives in the CAD environment.
– Listel