Noel Llopis of Games From Within is the author of Exploring the C++ Unit Testing Framework Jungle, a comprehensive (but now dated) evaluation of the various C++ Unit Testing frameworks, as well as a book on game programming.
He used CppUnitLite for quite a while, fixing various things, but eventually joined forces with another unit test library author, and produced UnitTest++. We use UnitTest++ here, and I like it a lot, so far. It has (to me) the exact right balance of power with a small footprint.
I've used homegrown solutions, CxxTest (which requires Perl), and boost::test. When I implemented unit testing here at my current job it pretty much came down to UnitTest++ vs boost::test.
I really like most boost libraries I have used, but IMHO, boost::test is a little too heavy-handed. I especially did not like that it requires you (AFAIK) to implement the main program of the test harness using a boost::test macro. I know that it is not "pure" TDD, but sometimes we need a way to run tests from withing a GUI application, for example when a special test flag is passed in on the command line, and boost::test cannot support this type of scenario.
UnitTest++ was the simplest test framework to set up and use that I have encountered in my (limited) experience.