After having inspected the router object again, I don't see any property in there that will allow you to grab the last route. In pre 4 there was a property for the last route, but it was a difficult property to work with.
My solution is therefore the same as it was in pre 4: I'd create my own mixin to handle the routes that you navigate into, and from that list of routes, you can get whatever route you're after: the current one, the last one, et cetera...
jsFiddle here:
The first thing to do is create the mixin that will allow us to push the routes into a HistoryController
. We can do this by creating a setupController
method which of course gets invoked every time you move into a route.
App.HistoryMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
setupController: function() {
We are pushing the route into the HistoryController
History Controller
Since we're currently pushing the routeName
into a non-existent HistoryController
, we'll need to go ahead and create that, which is absolutely nothing special.
App.HistoryController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
Index Controller
Since the HistoryController
stores the list of routes we've navigated into, we'll need it accessible on other controllers, such as the IndexController
, we'll therefore use needs
to specify in which controller it should be accessible.
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['history']
Implement Mixin
We now have everything we need to keep a track of the routes, and so we'll specify that our routes need to implement this mixin.
App.CatRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.HistoryMixin);
Last but not least, now that we have a HistoryController
which our IndexController
can access, and the mixin pushes each accessed route into the HistoryController
, we can use our application view to output a list of the routes, and specify the last route. Of course in your case you'll need the last route minus one, but there's no sense in me doing everything!
<h1>Routes History ({{controllers.history.length}})</h1>
<li>Last Route: {{controllers.history.lastObject}}</li>
{{#each controllers.history}}
I hope this gets you onto the straight and narrow.
. That's how Ember is designed to work. There's no need to build a whole bunch of machinery to maintain your own history. The browser already keeps its own. – Fyke