I'm trying to create a grid of Angular-Material cards that behaves somewhat like a Bootstrap grid. Ideally, cards will be full-width for small screen widths and jump to two columns at larger breakpoints.
The problem is that A-M creates columns for each card. I haven't figured out how to specify the number of columns for each breakpoint.
Here's the basis of the markup I'm using, which takes the card layout from rows to columns at the first breakpoint:
<div ng-app layout="column" layout-gt-sm="row" class="layout-sm-column layout-row">
<div flex class="flex" ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4,5] track by $index">
There's a similar question on SO already, but accepted answer is unsatisfactory as it uses custom CSS and the cards aren't fluid-width. I've found no other similar examples.
I suppose I could loop every two cards with Angular and create stacked sets, but that seems needlessly cumbersome. I have to think that Material provides for a better solution. Also, such solutions would leave whitespace in the page where cards vary in height. Material seems geared toward a Masonry-like flex layout, and I'd like to stick with that.