it is my first time with PySpark, (Spark 2), and I'm trying to create a toy dataframe for a Logit model. I ran successfully the tutorial and would like to pass my own data into it.
I've tried this:
import numpy as np
from import Vectors, VectorUDT
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
df = np.concatenate([np.random.randint(0,2, size=(1000)), np.random.randn(1000), 3*np.random.randn(1000)+2, 6*np.random.randn(1000)-2]).reshape(1000,-1)
df = map(lambda x: LabeledPoint(x[0], Vectors.dense(x[1:])), df)
mydf = spark.createDataFrame(df,["label", "features"])
but I cannot get rid of :
TypeError: Cannot convert type <class ''> into Vector
I'm using the ML library for vector and the input is a double array, so what's the catch, please? It should be fine according to the documentation.
Many thanks.