I'm dynamically storing information in the database depending on the request:
// table, id and column are provided by the request
table_obj = getattr(models, table)
record = table_obj.objects.get(pk=id)
setattr(record, column, request.POST['value'])
The problem is that request.POST['value'] sometimes contains a foreign record's primary key (i.e. an integer) whereas Django expects the column's value to be an object of type ForeignModel:
Cannot assign "u'122'": "ModelA.b" must be a "ModelB" instance.
Now, is there an elegant way to dynamically check whether b is a column containing foreign keys and what model these keys are linked to? (So that I can load the foreign record by it's primary key and assign it to ModelA?) Or doesn't Django provide information like this to the programmer so I really have to get my hands dirty and use isinstance() on the foreign-key column?
be overwritten by the assignmentfield_object, model_direct, m2m = ...
? – Recondition