I have done some exploration and have found the following things, this is what I have done so far:
Implemented custom URL, like
Added FacebookAppID, display name to my info.plist file
Included the Facebook SDK
Created Facebook app link through Facebook mobile hosting API and got the URL something like: https://fb.me/1601524146753610
Used the above URL as deep link while creating app-install Ads.
Implemented the below function in my AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
Added the below code in my AppDelegate.m
//Initialization [FBAppEvents activateApp]; [FBSettings setClientToken:@"ca45a3a2133ae2f37ebd4d90408816e6"]; //Function to check for deferred deep link and call the method with recieved url [FBSDKAppLinkUtility fetchDeferredAppLink:^(NSURL *url,NSError *error){ if(url) [self application:nil openURL:url sourceApplication:nil annotation:nil]; }];
Please let me know if i have missed something in fetching deferred deep link.
Also, how can I test the same before publishing my iOS APP to appStore.