I've been experimenting with using build events to start and stop Windows service that are being built in my project. However for the pre & post builds fail with an error level 255. I've tried catching this with the pre-build with no luck.
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Debug"
net stop myService
if errorlevel 2
if errorlevel 255
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Release"
copy $(TargetDir) C:\Media\Bin\$(ProjectName)
if errorlevel 1 BuildEventFailed
mkdir C:\Media\Bin\$(ProjectName)
copy $(TargetDir) C:\Media\Bin\$(ProjectName)
else if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Debug"
net start myService
stop, copy, start, exit
all in post-build since the service path probably shouldn't point directly to a /bin/Release folder. This also prevents the service from being stopped but never restarted if the build fails for other reasons. – Harv