I have gone through the below two links in addition to some others and I have tried most all examples and suggestions provided, but in my output the progress bar is not getting updated, rather new one shows, either end of same line or alternately on the new line. What am I missing here, can someone please guide me.
Text Progress Bar in the Console
For ease, I am reproducing some of the codes (from examples of above threads) I have tried and their outputs. Did I understand incorrect that it will update the same line or what am I missing. Appreciate your help. I am using Python 3.4 on Windows 7 and getting the output on console (no GUI).
Example 1:
import progressbar
import time, sys
progress = progressbar.ProgressBar()
for i in progress(range(80)):
Output 1:
0% | |
1% | |
2% |# |
3% |## |
5% |### |
6% |#### |
7% |##### |
8% |###### |
10% |####### |
11% |######## |
12% |######### |
13% |######### |
15% |########## |
16% |########### |
17% |############ |
18% |############# |
20% |############## |
21% |############### |
22% |################ |
23% |################# |
25% |################## |
26% |################## |
27% |################### |
28% |#################### |
30% |##################### |
31% |###################### |
32% |####################### |
33% |######################## |
35% |######################### |
36% |########################## |
37% |########################### |
38% |########################### |
40% |############################ |
41% |############################# |
42% |############################## |
43% |############################### |
45% |################################ |
46% |################################# |
47% |################################## |
48% |################################### |
50% |#################################### |
51% |#################################### |
52% |##################################### |
53% |###################################### |
55% |####################################### |
56% |######################################## |
57% |######################################### |
58% |########################################## |
60% |########################################### |
61% |############################################ |
62% |############################################# |
63% |############################################# |
65% |############################################## |
66% |############################################### |
67% |################################################ |
68% |################################################# |
70% |################################################## |
71% |################################################### |
72% |#################################################### |
73% |##################################################### |
75% |###################################################### |
76% |###################################################### |
77% |####################################################### |
78% |######################################################## |
80% |######################################################### |
81% |########################################################## |
82% |########################################################### |
83% |############################################################ |
85% |############################################################# |
86% |############################################################## |
87% |############################################################### |
88% |############################################################### |
90% |################################################################ |
91% |################################################################# |
92% |################################################################## |
93% |################################################################### |
95% |#################################################################### |
96% |##################################################################### |
97% |###################################################################### |
98% |####################################################################### |
100% |########################################################################|
Example 2:
for i in range(0, 101, 10):
sys.stdout.write('\r>> You have finished %3d%%\r' % i)
Output 2:
You have finished 0% >> You have finished 10% >> You have finished 20% >> You have finished 30% >> You have finished 40% >> You have finished 50% >> You have finished 60% >> You have finished 70% >> You have finished 80% >> You have finished 90% >> You have finished 100%
Example 3:
def update_progress(progress):
barLength = 20 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
status = ""
if isinstance(progress, int):
progress = float(progress)
if not isinstance(progress, float):
progress = 0
status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n"
if progress < 0:
progress = 0
status = "Halt...\r\n"
if progress >= 1:
progress = 1
status = "Done...\r\n"
block = int(round(barLength*progress))
text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "="*block + " "*(barLength-block), progress*100, status)
print("progress : 0->1")
for i in range(101):
print("Test completed")
Output 3:
progress : 0->1
Percent: [ ] 0.0%
Percent: [ ] 1.0%
Percent: [ ] 2.0%
Percent: [= ] 3.0%
Percent: [= ] 4.0%
Percent: [= ] 5.0%
Percent: [= ] 6.0%
Percent: [= ] 7.000000000000001%
Percent: [== ] 8.0%
Percent: [== ] 9.0%
Percent: [== ] 10.0%
Percent: [== ] 11.0%
Percent: [== ] 12.0%
Percent: [=== ] 13.0%
Percent: [=== ] 14.000000000000002%
Percent: [=== ] 15.0%
Percent: [=== ] 16.0%
Percent: [=== ] 17.0%
Percent: [==== ] 18.0%
Percent: [==== ] 19.0%
Percent: [==== ] 20.0%
Percent: [==== ] 21.0%
Percent: [==== ] 22.0%
Percent: [===== ] 23.0%
Percent: [===== ] 24.0%
Percent: [===== ] 25.0%
Percent: [===== ] 26.0%
Percent: [===== ] 27.0%
Percent: [====== ] 28.000000000000004%
Percent: [====== ] 28.999999999999996%
Percent: [====== ] 30.0%
Percent: [====== ] 31.0%
Percent: [====== ] 32.0%
Percent: [======= ] 33.0%
Percent: [======= ] 34.0%
Percent: [======= ] 35.0%
Percent: [======= ] 36.0%
Percent: [======= ] 37.0%
Percent: [======== ] 38.0%
Percent: [======== ] 39.0%
Percent: [======== ] 40.0%
Percent: [======== ] 41.0%
Percent: [======== ] 42.0%
Percent: [========= ] 43.0%
Percent: [========= ] 44.0%
Percent: [========= ] 45.0%
Percent: [========= ] 46.0%
Percent: [========= ] 47.0%
Percent: [========== ] 48.0%
Percent: [========== ] 49.0%
Percent: [========== ] 50.0%
Percent: [========== ] 51.0%
Percent: [========== ] 52.0%
Percent: [=========== ] 53.0%
Percent: [=========== ] 54.0%
Percent: [=========== ] 55.00000000000001%
Percent: [=========== ] 56.00000000000001%
Percent: [=========== ] 56.99999999999999%
Percent: [============ ] 57.99999999999999%
Percent: [============ ] 59.0%
Percent: [============ ] 60.0%
Percent: [============ ] 61.0%
Percent: [============ ] 62.0%
Percent: [============= ] 63.0%
Percent: [============= ] 64.0%
Percent: [============= ] 65.0%
Percent: [============= ] 66.0%
Percent: [============= ] 67.0%
Percent: [============== ] 68.0%
Percent: [============== ] 69.0%
Percent: [============== ] 70.0%
Percent: [============== ] 71.0%
Percent: [============== ] 72.0%
Percent: [=============== ] 73.0%
Percent: [=============== ] 74.0%
Percent: [=============== ] 75.0%
Percent: [=============== ] 76.0%
Percent: [=============== ] 77.0%
Percent: [================ ] 78.0%
Percent: [================ ] 79.0%
Percent: [================ ] 80.0%
Percent: [================ ] 81.0%
Percent: [================ ] 82.0%
Percent: [================= ] 83.0%
Percent: [================= ] 84.0%
Percent: [================= ] 85.0%
Percent: [================= ] 86.0%
Percent: [================= ] 87.0%
Percent: [================== ] 88.0%
Percent: [================== ] 89.0%
Percent: [================== ] 90.0%
Percent: [================== ] 91.0%
Percent: [================== ] 92.0%
Percent: [=================== ] 93.0%
Percent: [=================== ] 94.0%
Percent: [=================== ] 95.0%
Percent: [=================== ] 96.0%
Percent: [=================== ] 97.0%
Percent: [====================] 98.0%
Percent: [====================] 99.0%
Percent: [====================] 100% Done...
Test completed
Edit: You can see that printing on the same line is happening, but it is appending at the end of the last print rather than overwriting which is the desired effect. Thanks!
, not the Python console. – Calycescolorama
supports positioning ANSI escape codes. You could use it if all else fails e.g., try this random walker cli implementation – Lowlife>>>
in it. Otherwise it is misleading e.g., I thought that you can't make'\r'
work in Windows console. – Lowlife