Problem: I have a chef statement that should only run if the attribute is "true". But it runs every time.
Expected Behavior: When default[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install] = "false"
dotnet4 should not be installed.
Actual Behavior: No matter what the attribute is set to, it installs dotnet4.
My code:
attribute file:
default[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install] = "false"
recipe file:
windows_package "dotnet4" do
only_if node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install]=='true'
source "#{node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_URL]}"
installer_type :custom
action :install
options "/quiet /log C:\\chef\\installLog4.txt /norestart /skipmsuinstall"