It turns out that =delete
is extremely useful! Here are a few examples:
Basically we can prevent copying base classes because it might often lead to slicing:
struct Base {
Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete; // disallow copying
Base(const Base&) = delete;
Base& operator=(Base && ) = delete; // disallow moving
Base(Base && ) = delete;
struct Der : public Base {};
void func() {
Der d;
Base base = d; // this won't work because the copy constructor is deleted!
// this behavior is desired - otherwise slicing would occur
It's also useful when a template function cannot run with a certain type:
template<class T>
void fn(T p) { /* ... */ }; // do something with T
void fn(int) = delete; // disallow use with int
void fun() {
fn(4); // aha! cannot use fn() with int!
fn(-4.5); // fine
fn("hello");// fine
can also disallow undesired conversions:
struct Z {
Z(double); // can initialize with a double
Z(int) = delete; // but not with an integer
void f() {
Z z1 { 1 }; // error! can't use int
Z z2 { 1.0 }; // double is ok
Some more advanced uses of =delete
include prohibiting stack or free store allocation:
class FS_Only {
~FS_Only() = delete; // disallow stack allocation
class Stack_Only {
void* operator new(size_t) = delete; // disallow heap allocation
... You get the idea. Hope this helps someone! =delete
can help write readable, bugless and elegant code.
As it was correctly pointed out in the comments, it is now impossible to delete FS_Only
objects, so this one isn't such a good use of =delete
after all.
do. This one is about real uses of=delete
. It's easy to understand that=delete
disallows the use of the function, but why on Earth would you want to do that? This post answers why. – Inveracity