The key to make the update mechanism of karaf work is to deploy from maven instead of using the deploy folder.
Install you bundle like this:
install -s mvn:groupid/artifactID/version
install -s mvn:groupid/artifactID/version/typeOfMavenArtifact
Second one is useful for installing for example war/wab artifacts. Full maven protocol specification can be found here.
Then Karaf knows where the bundle came from. You can also check this using la -u
. This makes karaf show the update location which now should be a maven uri. You will not that all karaf bundles have an update location like this.
When you now create a new build of your project using maven it will end up in you local maven repository.
Then simply run
update <bundleid>
This makes karaf check the update location (in your case you local maven repo) and reload the bundle from there.
You can even further automate this by using
or for karaf 3+
This will make karaf check you maven repo for changes in SNAPSHOT bundles it has deployed and automatically redeploy these.
This also works very well together with the remote debugging. Use
export KARAF_DEBUG=true
before starting karaf. It then will listen for a debugger on port 5005.
You can then start a remote debug eclipse session on the same port and nicely debug your application in karaf. This works very well even if you change your bundle using one of the approaches above. So you can debug, find your problem, change the code, build and continue debugging with the changed version.
I also use this frequently when I work at the karaf code base itself as this also works for most of karaf's own bundles.