So I have use case where I update the api request when the map is moved - but it could generate several rapid fire requests with small map movements - and I want to cancel all the inflight requests except for the last one. I can use debounce to only send requests after a delay. However I still want to cancel any old requests if they happen to still be in process.
const fetchNearbyStoresEpic = action$ =>
.switchMap(action =>
.where('location', '<=', action.payload.max).
.where('location', '>=', action.payload.min)
.map(response => fetchNearbyStoresFulfilled(response))
I see that you can use takeUntil
but you need to explicitly fire a cancel action. I see in the docs that switchMap will take the latest and cancel all the others - do I have to implement a cancel interface in my api call? In this case it would be a firebase query to firestore.
what you're looking for instead ofdebounceTime
? – SurdswitchMap
? – Pugging