New Solution
A much simpler method exists now, simply use the command (adjusting input.mkv
and reversed.mkv
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -af areverse -vf reverse reversed.mkv
The -af areverse
will reverse audio, and -vf reverse
will reverse video. The video and audio will be in sync automatically in the output file reversed.mkv
, no need to worry about the input frame rate or anything else.
On one video if I only specified the -vf reverse
to reverse video (but not audio), the output file didn't play correctly in mkv
format but did work if I changed it to mp4
output format (I don't think this use case of reversing video only but not audio is common, but if you do run into this issue you can try changing the output format). On large input videos that exceed the RAM available in your computer, this method may not work and you may need to chop up the input file or use the old solution below.
Old Solution
One issue is the frame rate can vary depending on the video, many answers depend on a specific frame rate (like "-r 25" for 25 frames per second). If the frame rate in the video is different, this will cause the reversed audio and video to go out of sync.
You can of course manually adjust the frame rate each time (you can get the frame rate by running ffmpeg -i video.mkv and look for the number in front of the fps, this is sometimes a decimal number like 23.98). But with some bash code you can easily extract the fps, store it in a variable, and automatically pass it to the programs.
Based on this I've created the following bash script to do that. Simply chmod +x it and run it ./ input.mkv output.mkv
. The code is as follows:
#Partially based on, but with some modifications, including automatic extraction of the frame rate.
#Get parameters.
echo Using input file: $VIDEO_FILE
echo Using output file: $OUTPUT_FILE
mkdir /tmp/create_reversed_video
#Get frame rate.
FRAME_RATE=$(ffmpeg -i "$VIDEO_FILE" 2>&1 | grep -o -P '[0-9\\. ]+fps' | grep -o -P '[0-9\\.]+')
echo The frame rate is: $FRAME_RATE
#Extract audio from video.
ffmpeg -i "$VIDEO_FILE" -vn -ac 2 /tmp/create_reversed_video/audio.wav
#Reverse the audio.
sox -V /tmp/create_reversed_video/audio.wav /tmp/create_reversed_video/backwards.wav reverse
#Extract each video frame as an image.
ffmpeg -i "$VIDEO_FILE" -an -qscale 1 /tmp/create_reversed_video/%06d.jpg
#Recombine into reversed video.
ls -1 /tmp/create_reversed_video/*.jpg | sort -r | xargs cat | ffmpeg -framerate $FRAME_RATE -f image2pipe -i - -i /tmp/create_reversed_video/backwards.wav "$OUTPUT_FILE"
#Delete temporary files.
rm -rf /tmp/create_reversed_video
I've tested it and it works well on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine on lots of videos (after installing the dependencies like sox). Please let me know if it works on other Linux distributions and versions.
$(ls -r *jpg)
instead of$(ls -t *jpg)
is better (for me at least) as the modification times are too coarse to give the correct ordering – Lodie