Luke Daley gave the right answer. Unfortunately, the links have changed. Thus, I'll update his answer and provide a code example to make this answer self-contained.
There is a bean in Grails applications called persistenceInterceptor
that can be used for initializing the persistence context / session for Hibernate. You can inject the bean into one of your controller / service classes and start a new thread, e.g. using the following code snippet.
class YourControllerOrService {
PersistenceContextInterceptor persistenceInterceptor
def someOperation() {
Runnable yourTask = { ->
try {
if (persistenceInterceptor) {
// execute the hibernate operations here in a transaction,
// e.g. call a method annotated with @Transactional
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error('Your error message', e)
} finally {
if (persistenceInterceptor) {
Thread workerThread = new Thread(yourTask)
You'll find an exemplary implementation in the Grails JMS plug-in on GitHub.
The PersistenceContextInterceptor interface can be found on GitHub, too.