I'm using this method to generate bitmaps from strings:
private Bitmap ConvertTextToImage(string text, FontFamily fontFamily, float fontSize,
FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular, StringFormat stringFormat = default,
float MaxWidth = float.MaxValue, float MaxHeight = float.MaxValue, float xDpi = 72, float yDpi = 72,
Color backgroundColor = default, Color foregroundColor = default)
if (text == "") return null;
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
if (stringFormat == default) stringFormat = new StringFormat();
if (backgroundColor == default) backgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
if (foregroundColor == default) foregroundColor = Color.Black;
Font font = new Font(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle);
SizeF stringSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, int.MaxValue, stringFormat);
while (stringSize.Width > MaxWidth || stringSize.Height > MaxHeight)
fontSize -= (float)0.1;
font = new Font(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle);
stringSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, int.MaxValue, stringFormat);
bitmap = new Bitmap((int)stringSize.Width, (int)stringSize.Height);
graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
int x = 0;
if (stringFormat.FormatFlags == StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft && stringFormat.Alignment == StringAlignment.Center)
x = (int)stringSize.Width / 2;
else if (stringFormat.FormatFlags == StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft) x = (int)stringSize.Width;
else if (stringFormat.Alignment == StringAlignment.Center) x += (int)stringSize.Width / 2;
graphics.DrawString(text, font, new SolidBrush(foregroundColor), x, 0, stringFormat);
return bitmap;
It works well but sometimes it doesn't generate some parts of characters when using IranNastaliq font. For example, look at that persian character 'گ' which is at start of a string (highlighted part was in original picture and not created by GDI). The circled part should be much longer:
and this one. Circled dot is cropped (Also at start of a string):
I think Graphics.MeasureString
doesn't measure those parts. I can add some space characters at start but it causes some other problems. How should I fix it?