This is probably best shown with an example. I have an enum with attributes:
public enum MyEnum {
[CustomInfo("This is a custom attrib")]
None = 0,
[CustomInfo("This is another attrib")]
[CustomInfo("This has an extra flag", AllowSomething = true)]
I want to get to those attributes from an instance:
public CustomInfoAttribute GetInfo( MyEnum enumInput ) {
Type typeOfEnum = enumInput.GetType(); //this will be typeof( MyEnum )
//here is the problem, GetField takes a string
// the .ToString() on enums is very slow
FieldInfo fi = typeOfEnum.GetField( enumInput.ToString() );
//get the attribute from the field
return fi.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( CustomInfoAttribute ), false ).
FirstOrDefault() //Linq method to get first or null
as CustomInfoAttribute; //use as operator to convert
As this is using reflection I expect some slowness, but it seems messy to convert the enum value to a string (which reflects the name) when I already have an instance of it.
Does anyone have a better way?
? – Charron