Here is kind of an updated&refreshed summary of what may be the most useful answers and comments in this thread. Plus extra benchmarks and variants:
First thing first: As others have pointed out in comments, things have changed the last years and with "modern" Windows (Windows XP and later) and .NET, and modern hardware there are no or little reasons not to use Stopwatch().
See MSDN for details. Quotations:
"Is QPC accuracy affected by processor frequency changes caused by power management or Turbo Boost technology?
No. If the processor has an invariant TSC, the QPC is not affected by these sort of changes. If the processor doesn't have an invariant TSC, QPC will revert to a platform hardware timer that won't be affected by processor frequency changes or Turbo Boost technology.
Does QPC reliably work on multi-processor systems, multi-core system, and systems with hyper-threading?
How do I determine and validate that QPC works on my machine?
You don't need to perform such checks.
Which processors have non-invariant TSCs?
[..Read further..]
But if you don't need the precision of Stopwatch() or at least want to know exactly about the performance of Stopwatch (static vs. instance-based) and other possible variants, continue reading:
I took over the benchmark from cskwg, and extended the code for more variants. I have measured with a some years old Core i7 i7-4700MQ ("Haswell-MB" (quad-core, 22 nm). 2013 vintage) and C# 7 with Visual Studio 2017 (to be more precise, compiled with .NET 4.5.2, despite binary literals, it is C# 6 (used of this: string literals and 'using static'). Especially the Stopwatch() performance seems to be improved compared to the mentioned benchmark.
This is an example of results of 10 million repetitions in a loop. As always, absolute values are not important, but even the relative values may differ on other hardware:
32 bit, Release mode without optimization:
Measured: GetTickCount64() [ms]: 275
Measured: Environment.TickCount [ms]: 45
Measured: DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks [ms]: 167
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedTicks [ms]: 277
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedMilliseconds [ms]: 548
Measured: static Stopwatch.GetTimestamp [ms]: 193
Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [ms]: 551
Compare that with DateTime.Now.Ticks [ms]: 9010
32 bit, Release mode, optimized:
Measured: GetTickCount64() [ms]: 198
Measured: Environment.TickCount [ms]: 39
Measured: DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks [ms]: 66 (!)
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedTicks [ms]: 175
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedMilliseconds [ms]: 491
Measured: static Stopwatch.GetTimestamp [ms]: 175
Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [ms]: 510
Compare that with DateTime.Now.Ticks [ms]: 8460
64 bit, Release mode without optimization:
Measured: GetTickCount64() [ms]: 205
Measured: Environment.TickCount [ms]: 39
Measured: DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks [ms]: 127
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedTicks [ms]: 209
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedMilliseconds [ms]: 285
Measured: static Stopwatch.GetTimestamp [ms]: 187
Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [ms]: 319
Compare that with DateTime.Now.Ticks [ms]: 3040
64 bit, Release mode, optimized:
Measured: GetTickCount64() [ms]: 148
Measured: Environment.TickCount [ms]: 31 (is it still worth it?)
Measured: DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks [ms]: 76 (!)
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedTicks [ms]: 178
Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedMilliseconds [ms]: 226
Measured: static Stopwatch.GetTimestamp [ms]: 175
Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [ms]: 246
Compare that with DateTime.Now.Ticks [ms]: 3020
It may be very interesting, that creating a DateTime value to print out the Stopwatch time seems to have nearly no costs. Interesting in a more academic than practical way is that static Stopwatch is slightly faster (as expected). Some optimization points are quite interesting.
For example, I cannot explain why Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds only with 32 bit is so slow compared to it's other variants, for example the static one. This and DateTime.Now more than double their speed with 64 bit.
You can see: Only for millions of executions, the time of Stopwatch begins to matter. If this is really the case (but beware micro-optimizing too early), it may be interesting that with GetTickCount64(), but especially with DateTime.UtcNow, you have a 64 bit (long) timer with less precision than Stopwatch, but faster, so that you don't have to mess around with the 32 bit "ugly" Environment.TickCount.
As expected, DateTime.Now is by far the slowest of all.
If you run it, the code retrieves also your current Stopwatch accuracy and more.
Here is the full benchmark code:
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using static System.Environment;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll") ]
public static extern UInt64 GetTickCount64(); // Retrieves a 64bit value containing ticks since system start
static void Main(string[] args)
const int max = 10_000_000;
const int n = 3;
Stopwatch sw;
// Following Process&Thread lines according to tips by Thomas Maierhofer:
// But this somewhat contradicts to assertions by MS in:
Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(1); // Use only the first core
Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
Thread.Sleep(2); // warmup
Console.WriteLine($"Repeating measurement {n} times in loop of {max:N0}:{NewLine}");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var tickCount = GetTickCount64();
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: GetTickCount64() [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var tickCount = Environment.TickCount; // only int capacity, enough for a bit more than 24 days
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: Environment.TickCount [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var a = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var a = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: Stopwatch: .ElapsedMilliseconds [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var a = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: static Stopwatch.GetTimestamp [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
DateTime dt=DateTime.MinValue; // just init
sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
var a = new DateTime(sw.Elapsed.Ticks); // using variable dt here seems to make nearly no difference
//Console.WriteLine($"Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [s] with millisecs: {dt:s.fff}");
Console.WriteLine($"Measured: Stopwatch+conversion to DateTime [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
sw = new Stopwatch();
var tickCounterStart = Environment.TickCount;
for (int i = 0; i < max/10; i++)
var a = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
var tickCounter = Environment.TickCount - tickCounterStart;
Console.WriteLine($"Compare that with DateTime.Now.Ticks [ms]: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds*10}");
Console.WriteLine($"{NewLine}General Stopwatch information:");
if (Stopwatch.IsHighResolution)
Console.WriteLine("- Using high-resolution performance counter for Stopwatch class.");
Console.WriteLine("- Using high-resolution performance counter for Stopwatch class.");
double freq = (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
double ticksPerMicroSec = freq / (1000d*1000d) ; // microsecond resolution: 1 million ticks per sec
Console.WriteLine($"- Stopwatch accuracy- ticks per microsecond (1000 ms): {ticksPerMicroSec:N1}");
Console.WriteLine(" (Max. tick resolution normally is 100 nanoseconds, this is 10 ticks/microsecond.)");
DateTime maxTimeForTickCountInteger= new DateTime(Int32.MaxValue*10_000L); // tickCount means millisec -> there are 10.000 milliseconds in 100 nanoseconds, which is the tick resolution in .NET, e.g. used for TimeSpan
Console.WriteLine($"- Approximated capacity (maxtime) of TickCount [dd:hh:mm:ss] {maxTimeForTickCountInteger:dd:HH:mm:ss}");
// this conversion from seems not really accurate, it will be between 24-25 days.
while (Console.KeyAvailable)
, there is the issue of scheduled NTP synchronizations: not that rarely, system time gets changed by an order of 10 seconds after these updates (on my PC). – Bimanousint duration = unchecked((int)((uint)Environment.TickCount - (uint)start));
...will give you the correct answer regardless of rollovers. (You can ideally skip the cast to back toint
unless you absolutely need it.) – Fitzgerald