I have an idea for an ios(iPhone) application to which requires connecting to several peers. I am basing my code on the WiTab (SampleCode-developer.apple.com) example.
When my application started each peer creating separate Socket(CFSocket) and publishing through NSNetService Class.In particular instance NSNetServiceBrowser class find available peers. And display their name in TableView.When i select row in the table view the corresponding peer address resolved, a connection established and sending-receiving data was successfully.
But my intention is ,I want to select multiple row in the tableView (multiple peer). and resolved selected peers address. For that I stored selected peers information to the NSMutableArray. When i click(touch) send button , I want to resolve Selected Device address and send data to selected peers. For that i did this code
for(int k=0;k<[selectedService count];k++)
self.currentResolve = [self.selectedService objectAtIndex:k];
self.currentResolve = [self.selectedSer objectAtIndex:k];
[self.currentResolve setDelegate:self];
[self.currentResolve resolveWithTimeout:60];
But it will resolved only one device(self.selectedService objectAtIndex:0).So how can i resolved multiple peers Address/ how to established connection for multiple device. so my doubts are:-
- Is it possible to connect more than one device simultaneously over WiFi?
- If yes,What is the maximum number of device that can be connected in same pattern?
- Which type of CFSocket is useful for multiple Connection(TCP/UDP)?
- Is it required to create multiple CFSocket in each peer?
- If Yes,how? their is any documents available ?
- Is it required to established session?
- How to resolve address for mutple device?