The queue is not FIFO as mentioned by the documentation. You can make it strictly FIFO if you ensure that any new operation depends on the last operation added in the queue and that it can only run a single operation at a time. Omar solution is correct, but more generally, you can do the following:
NSOperationQueue* queue = [[ NSOperationQueue alloc ] init];
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
NSOperation* someOperation = [ NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^(void) { NSLog(@"Done.");} ];
if ( queue.operations.count != 0 )
[ someOperation addDependency: queue.operations.lastObject ];
This works because queue.operations is an array: whatever you add is not reordered (it is not a NSSet for instance). You can also simply add a category to your NSOperationQueue:
@interface NSOperationQueue (FIFOQueue)
- (void) addOperationAfterLast:(NSOperation *)op;
@implementation NSOperationQueue (FIFOQueue)
- (void) addOperationAfterLast:(NSOperation *)op
if ( self.maxConcurrentOperationCount != 1)
self.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
NSOperation* lastOp = self.operations.lastObject;
if ( lastOp != nil )
[ op addDependency: lastOp ];
[ self addOperation:op];
and use [queue addOperationAfterLast:myOperation]. queuePriority has nothing to do with FIFO, it is related to job scheduling.
Edit: following a comment below, suspending the queue if checking for the count is also not sufficient. I believe this form is fine (upon testing, this does not create a race condition and does not crash).
Some info: