I need an associative container that makes me index a certain object through a string, but that also keeps the order of insertion, so I can look for a specific object by its name or just iterate on it and retrieve objects in the same order I inserted them.
I think this hybrid of linked list and hash map should do the job, but before I tried to use std::tr1::unordered_map
thinking that it was working in that way I described, but it wasn't. So could someone explain me the meaning and behavior of unordered_map
@wesc: I'm sure std::map is implemented by STL, while I'm sure std::hash_map is NOT in the STL (I think older version of Visual Studio put it in a namespace called stdext).
@cristopher: so, if I get it right, the difference is in the implementation (and thus performances), not in the way it behaves externally.