2022 answer: now there is a tiny, relatively fast library I have published, called dotwiz
, which alternatively can be used to provide easy dot access for a python dict
It should, coincidentally, be a little faster than the other options -- I've added a quick and dirty benchmark code I put together using the timeit
module below, timing against both a attrdict
and SimpleNamespace
approach -- the latter of which actually performs pretty solid in times.
Note that I had to modify the parse
function slightly, so that it handles nested dict
s within a list
object, for example.
from timeit import timeit
from types import SimpleNamespace
from attrdict import AttrDict
from dotwiz import DotWiz
example_input = {'key0a': "test", 'key0b': {'key1a': [{'key2a': 'end', 'key2b': "test"}], 'key1b': "test"},
"something": "else"}
def parse(d):
x = SimpleNamespace()
_ = [setattr(x, k,
parse(v) if isinstance(v, dict)
else [parse(e) for e in v] if isinstance(v, list)
else v) for k, v in d.items()]
return x
print('-- Create')
print('attrdict: ', round(timeit('AttrDict(example_input)', globals=globals()), 2))
print('dotwiz: ', round(timeit('DotWiz(example_input)', globals=globals()), 2))
print('SimpleNamespace: ', round(timeit('parse(example_input)', globals=globals()), 2))
dw = DotWiz(example_input)
ns = parse(example_input)
ad = AttrDict(example_input)
print('-- Get')
print('attrdict: ', round(timeit('ad.key0b.key1a[0].key2a', globals=globals()), 2))
print('dotwiz: ', round(timeit('dw.key0b.key1a[0].key2a', globals=globals()), 2))
print('SimpleNamespace: ', round(timeit('ns.key0b.key1a[0].key2a', globals=globals()), 2))
assert ad.key0b.key1a[0].key2a \
== dw.key0b.key1a[0].key2a \
== ns.key0b.key1a[0].key2a \
== 'end'
Here are the results, on my M1 Mac Pro laptop:
attrdict: 0.69
dotwiz: 1.3
SimpleNamespace: 1.38
-- Get
attrdict: 6.06
dotwiz: 0.06
SimpleNamespace: 0.06
The dotwiz library can be installed with pip
$ pip install dotwiz