Suppose I set up two VAOs, using the new (as of OpenGL 4.3) glBindVertexBuffer mechanism:
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoIndex0);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoIndex1);
glBindVertexBuffer(bindingIndex0, ...)
glVertexAttribFormat(0, ...)
glVertexAttribBinding(0, bindingIndex0)
glBindVertexBuffer(bindingIndex1, ...)
glVertexAttribFormat(0, ...)
glVertexAttribBinding(0, bindingIndex1)
And suppose the two are independent, except insofar as they exist in the same OpenGL context; they bind different buffers and will be used to draw different things.
Does bindingIndex0 need to be different from bindingIndex1? Is there any significance at all in the equality (or inequality) of the two indices?
After receiving an answer I began to understand that to someone who actually knows what a "vertex buffer binding point" is, and particularly, what its scope is, my question might seem to be asking something different than what I intended. Maybe a better phrasing would have been "Does one need to go out of one's way to prevent OpenGL vertex buffer binding point indices from being reused, even across multiple VAOs, in order to prevent conflicts?" But anyway, it seems that both questions have now been answered: No you can't reuse the "binding points", and no you don't need to avoid index conflicts in that way.