Is it possible to do SQL inner joins kind of stuff in MongoDB?
I know there is the $lookup
attribute in an aggregation pipeline and it is equivalent to outer joins in SQL, but I want to do something similar to inner joins.
I have three collections which need to merge together:
// User Collection
// Output:
ID : 1,
USER_NAME : "John",
password : "pass"
ID : 2,
USER_NAME : "Andrew",
PASSWORD : "andrew"
// Role Collection
// Output:
ID : 1,
ROLE_NAME : "admin"
ID : 2,
ROLE_NAME : "staff"
// USER_ROLE Collection
// Output:
ID : 1,
USER_ID : 1,
I have the above collections and I want to extract only the documents matched with users and their respective roles, not all the documents. How can I manage it in MongoDB?